Friday, February 10, 2012

Leche Mamas

I'm starting this blog in hopes that it'll be a nice on-going collection of breastfeeding stories. I'd love a myriad of stories. Successes, "failures", tandem nursing, stories told by daddies-I'm open to it all! (I'm hesitant to say "failures" but, I want stories where it didn't all 'work' because I feel like those are lessons for us all!)

I think it's so important for women (and men!) to know that breastfeeding doesn't come easily for everyone. In fact, most mamas I talk to say it's one of the hardest things they have ever done or 'attempted' to do!

It's my hope that having stories to read will help other mamas to know there are other women out there doing all they can to do the best for their babies. To know the challenges, the heartache and the love that goes into it.

I'd also like to post breastfeeding-type information. Articles, photos, videos; I'd love for this to be a place of support and love for mamas who are breastfeeding or who want to breastfeed.

Empowering mamas. That's what it's all about.

So, if you'd like to share your story, I'd LOVE to have a copy. Long or short, easy or hard. I want them all. Email them to me: